Today’s Intrinsic Values

Stock Overview

JELD – JELD-WEN HOLDING, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Building Products)
Jeld-Wen is a leading global manufacturer of high performance interior and exterior building products, offering one of the broadest selections of windows, interior and exterior doors, and wall systems. The company designs, produces, and distributes an extensive range of interior and exterior doors, windows, and other building products for use in the new construction and R&R of residential single and multi-family homes and, to a lesser extent, non-residential buildings.
Recent 9-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 38%, with 3 declining years
BV: Increased 10%, with 1 declining years
Share Count: Decreased -6%
Company does not pay a dividend
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 8% per year growth for the next 10-years
SEC filing link:
CHRW – C.H. ROBINSON WORLDWIDE, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Air Freight & Logistics)
C.H. Robinson Worldwide is one of the largest global logistics companies in the world. The company transforms the way the world moves, improving the global supply chain through its people, processes, and technology. Driven to provide exceptional experience to its customers and suppliers by providing freight transportation services and logistics solutions to companies of all sizes in a wide variety of industries.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 103%, with 2 declining years
EPS: Increased 72%, with 4 declining years
BV: Increased 62%, with 1 declining year
FCF: Decreased -94%, with 5 declining years
Share Count: Decreased -17%
Dividend: Increased 55%, with 0 declining years
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 14% per year growth for the next 10-years
SEC filing link:
RC – READY CAPITAL CORPORATION (HQ: USA/Industry: Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs))
Ready Capital is a multi-strategy real estate finance company that originates, acquires, finances, and services SBC loans, SBA loans, residential mortgage loans, and to a lesser extent, MBS collateralized primarily by SBC loans, or other real estate-related investments.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 1,496%, with 2 declining years
EPS: Increased -11%, with 4 declining years
BV: Decreased -27%, with 4 declining years
FCF: Decreased -1,233%, with 5 declining years and currant year being negative
Share Count: Increased 763%
Dividend: Decreased -1%, with 2 declining years
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 10% per year growth for the next 10-years
SEC filing link:
CHD – CHURCH & DWIGHT CO., INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Household Products)
Church & Dwight develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of consumer household and personal care products and specialty products focused on animal and food production, chemicals and cleaners. With well recognized brand names that include Arm & Hammer, Trojan, OxiClean, among many others.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 78%, with 0 declining years
EPS: Increased 170%, with 1 declining year
BV: Increased 95%, with 2 declining years
FCF: Increased 95%, with 2 declining years
Share Count: Decreased -13%
Dividend: Increased 110%, with 0 declining years
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 15% per year growth for the next 10-years
SEC filing link:
PEB – PEBBLEBROOK HOTEL TRUST (HQ: USA/Industry: Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs))
Pebblebrook Hotel Trust is an internally managed hotel investment company to opportunistically acquire and invest in hotel properties located primarily in major U.S. cities, with an emphasis on the major gateway coastal markets.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 92%, with 2 declining years
EPS: Decreased -1,386%, with 3 declining years and currant year being negative
BV: Increased 13%, with 5 declining years
FCF: Decreased -8%, with 3 declining years
Share Count: Increased 134%
Dividend: Decreased -92%, with 1 declining year
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 16% per year growth for the next 10-years
SEC filing link: