Today’s Intrinsic Values

Stock Overview

DPZ – DOMINO’S PIZZA, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure)
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 321.15 / 567.57
Previous Closing Price: 340.94
Margin of Safety Intrinsic Value Price: 166.59
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $4.4B/$2.8B, with 0 declining years and 5.8% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 13.54/6.47, with 0 declining years and 9.3% YoY growth
BV (USD): -113.52/-54.11, with 7 declining years and currant year being negative
FCF: $560M/$288M, with 1 declining year and 11.1% YoY growth
Dividend: Increased 370%, with 0 declining years
Share Count: Decreased -36%
AEIS – ADVANCED ENERGY INDUSTRIES, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 72.22 / 114.73
Previous Closing Price: 79.52
Margin of Safety Intrinsic Value Price: 32.86
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $1.5B/$753M, with 2 declining years and 2.8% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 3.51/1.76, with 3 declining years and 0.3% YoY growth
BV (USD): 22.38/13.70, with 1 declining year and 11.6% YoY growth
FCF: $108M/$101M, with 4 declining years and -34.5% YoY decrease
Company does not pay a dividend
Share Count: Decreased -3%
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 10.81 / 18.74
Previous Closing Price: 11.40
Margin of Safety Intrinsic Value Price: 9.08
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $298M/$233M, with 2 declining years and 24.2% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 0.85/0.51, with 1 declining year and 49.1% YoY growth
BV (USD): 2.77/2.36, with 3 declining years and 16.4% YoY growth
FCF: $-1M/$16M, with 3 declining years and currant year being negative and -103.6% YoY decrease
Dividend: Increased 475%, with 1 declining year
Share Count: Decreased -11%
NUVA – NUVASIVE, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Health Care Equipment & Supplies)
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 45.45 / 71.94
Previous Closing Price: 52.64
Margin of Safety Intrinsic Value Price: 6.36
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $1.1B/$933M, with 1 declining year and 8.4% YoY growth
EPS (USD): -1.24/0.28, with 5 declining years and currant year being negative
BV (USD): 15.92/14.67, with 1 declining year and -9.1% YoY decrease
FCF: $70M/$67M, with 5 declining years and -7.9% YoY decrease
Company does not pay a dividend
Share Count: Increased 18%
OLED – UNIVERSAL DISPLAY CORPORATION (HQ: USA/Industry: Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment)
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 114.27 / 237.00
Previous Closing Price: 126.40
Margin of Safety Intrinsic Value Price: 29.66
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $554M/$278M, with 1 declining year and 29.1% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 3.87/1.70, with 4 declining years and 38.2% YoY growth
BV (USD): 21.73/12.95, with 0 declining years and 17.7% YoY growth
FCF: $148M/$71M, with 4 declining years and 22.3% YoY growth
Dividend: Increased 567%, with 1 declining year
Share Count: Remained the same
*Growth Grade is an indicator of a company’s growth potential, refer to the Terminology page for a full description.
**Industry averages based on the stocks that have been valued on the website and not for all stocks in an industry.
Intrinsic values provided are intended as reference only. They should never be used as the sole means of valuing a company and/or making investment decisions. As with any investment, an investor should perform their due diligence before investing. This includes understand the investment risks, reviewing financial reporting documents, and consult an investment professional if necessary.
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