Today’s Intrinsic Values

Stock Overview

CL – COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY (HQ: USA/Industry: Household Products)
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 72.20 / 85.61
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $17.4B/$16.4B, with 3 declining years and 5.8% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 2.55/2.50, with 5 declining years and -18.8% YoY decrease
BV (USD): 0.70/0.65, with 7 declining years and -9.1% YoY decrease
FCF: $2.8B/$2.6B, with 4 declining years and -16.7% YoY decrease
Dividend: Increased 47%, with 0 declining years
Share Count: Decreased -12%
To value the business at the current market price the company would need more than a 10% per year growth for the next 10-years
MAC – THE MACERICH COMPANY (HQ: USA/Industry: Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs))
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 11.96 / 22.88
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $847M/$986M, with 5 declining years and 7.8% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 0.07/2.32, with 4 declining years
BV (USD): 14.31/22.81, with 7 declining years and -13% YoY decrease
FCF: $286M/$363M, with 5 declining years and 128.8% YoY growth
Dividend: Decreased -73%, with 2 declining years
Share Count: Increased 48%
The stock is fairly valued but only takes into account a 85% margin of safety when ideally it should be 60%
MTD – METTLER-TOLEDO INTERNATIONAL INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Life Sciences Tools & Services)
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 1,225.56 / 1,714.75
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $3.7B/$2.8B, with 1 declining year and 20.5% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 32.78/17.15, with 0 declining years and 31.6% YoY growth
BV (USD): 6.96/21.23, with 4 declining years and -63.1% YoY decrease
FCF: $801M/$424M, with 1 declining year and 26.7% YoY growth
Company does not pay a dividend
Share Count: Decreased -28%
To value the business at the current market price the company would need more than a 23% per year growth for the next 10-years
SKT – TANGER FACTORY OUTLET CENTERS, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs))
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 15.45 / 22.51
10-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $427M/$434M, with 2 declining years and 9.5% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 0.08/0.85, with 5 declining years
BV (USD): 4.41/5.29, with 7 declining years and 24.2% YoY growth
FCF: $218M/$212M, with 2 declining years and 32.1% YoY growth
Dividend: Decreased -14%, with 1 declining year
Share Count: Increased 10%
The stock is fairly valued but only takes into account a 82% margin of safety when ideally it should be 55%
52 Week Lo/Hi Price: 29.04 / 54.49
9-Year Financial Summary (Recent/Average)
Revenue: $445M/$292M, with 1 declining year and 9.9% YoY growth
EPS (USD): 2.52/0.84, with 3 declining years and 36.2% YoY growth
BV (USD): 7.49/4.33, with 0 declining years and 22.2% YoY growth
FCF: $62M/$24M, with 2 declining years and 63.2% YoY growth
Dividend: Increased 450%, with 0 declining years
Share Count: Increased 29%
To value the business at the current market price the company would need more than a 11% per year growth for the next 10-years