Today’s Intrinsic Values

Stock Overview

BMY – BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY (HQ: USA/Industry: Pharmaceuticals)
Bristol-Myers Squibb operates in one segment engaged in the discovery, development, licensing, manufacturing, marketing, distribution and sale of biopharmaceutical products on a global basis. With a principal strategy to combine the resources, scale and capability of a pharmaceutical company with the speed and focus on innovation of the biotech industry.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 163%, with 3 declining years
EPS: Increased 169%, with 6 declining years
BV: Increased 107%, with 6 declining years
FCF: Increased 138%, with 3 declining years
Share Count: Increased 33%
Dividend: Increased 47%, with 0 declining years
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 13% per year growth for the next 10-years.
SEC filing link:
WH – WYNDHAM HOTELS & RESORTS, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure)
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts is the world’s largest hotel franchising company by number of hotels, with approximately 9,000 affiliated hotels with over 810,000 rooms located in approximately 95 countries. While operating a hotel portfolio of 22 brands that are primarily located in secondary and tertiary cities and approximately 80% of the U.S. population lives within ten miles of at least one its affiliated hotels.
Recent 7-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 20%, with 2 declining years
EPS: Increased 74%, with 3 declining years
BV: Decreased -17%, with 2 declining years
FCF: Increased 65%, with 4 declining years
Share Count: Decreased -6%
Dividend: Increased 76%, with 1 declining years
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 14% per year growth for the next 10-years.
SEC filing link:
ECPG – ENCORE CAPITAL GROUP, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Consumer Finance)
ENCORE CAPITAL GROUP is an international specialty finance company providing debt recovery solutions and other related services for consumers across a broad range of financial assets. The company primarily purchases portfolios of defaulted consumer receivables at deep discounts to face value and manage them by working with individuals as they repay their obligations and work toward financial recovery.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 190%, with 1 declining year
EPS: Increased 319%, with 1 declining year
BV: Increased 226%, with 2 declining years
FCF: Increased 193%, with 4 declining years
Share Count: Increased 19%
Company does not pay a dividend
The stock is trading slightly above its margin of safety intrinsic value
SEC filing link:
ANSS – ANSYS, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Software)
ANSYS develops and globally markets engineering simulation software and services widely used by engineers, designers, researchers and students across a broad spectrum of industries and academia, including high-tech, aerospace and defense, automotive, energy, industrial equipment, materials and chemicals, consumer products, healthcare, and construction.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 139%, with 0 declining years
EPS: Increased 141%, with 2 declining years
BV: Increased 138%, with 0 declining years
FCF: Increased 92%, with 4 declining years
Share Count: Decreased -7%
Company does not pay a dividend
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 22% per year growth for the next 10-years.
SEC filing link:
CVG is a global provider of systems, assemblies and components to the global commercial vehicle market, the electric vehicle market, and the warehouse automation markets. Having manufacturing operations in the United States, Mexico, China, United Kingdom, Belgium, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Thailand, India and Australia. Primarily manufacturing customized products to meet the requirements of its customer.
Recent 10-Year Financial Summary
Revenue: Increased 13%, with 4 declining years
EPS: Decreased -59%, with 6 declining years
BV: Increased 63%, with 2 declining years
FCF: Decreased -771%, with 5 declining years and current year being negative
Share Count: Increased 18%
Company does not pay a dividend
To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than a 11% per year growth for the next 10-years.
SEC filing link: