Today’s Intrinsic Values

Stock Overview

BKNG – BOOKING HOLDINGS INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Internet & Direct Marketing Retail)
Booking Holdings’ mission is to make it easier for everyone to experience the world. With the company seeking to empower people to cut through travel barriers, such as money, time, language, and overwhelming options, so they can use its services to easily and confidently get where they want to go, stay where they want to stay, dine where they want to dine, pay how they want to pay, and experience what they want to experience.
Although Booking Holding is trading near its 1-year low, to value the business at their current market price the company would need more than 10% per year growth for the next 10-years.
SEC filing link:
HOG – HARLEY-DAVIDSON, INC. (HQ: USA/Industry: Automobiles)
Harley-Davidson operates in two segments: motorcycles and related products, and financial services. The company’s reportable segments are strategic business units that offer different products and services and are managed separately based on the fundamental differences in their operations.
Unlike many stocks since the beginning of 2022, Harley-Davidson is slightly higher, though off from its 1-year high. While trading slightly below a margin of safety intrinsic value.
SEC filing link:
Kaiser Aluminum manufactures and sells semi-fabricated specialty aluminum mill products for the following end market applications: aerospace and high strength, beverage and food packaging products, automotive, general engineering and other industrial. With the company’s fabricated aluminum mill products include flat-rolled, extruded, drawn and certain cast aluminum products.
Kaiser Aluminum’s stock has been treading down for the past year, but still above its intrinsic value. To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than 4% per year growth for the next 10-years.
SEC filing link:
NHTC – NATURAL HEALTH TRENDS CORP. (HQ: Hong Kong/Industry: Personal Products)
Natural Health Trends is an international direct-selling and e-commerce company. Subsidiaries controlled by the company sell personal care, wellness, and “quality of life” products under the “NHT Global” brand. Most of the company’s order volume is for personal consumption through existing members’ referrals. With objectives to enrich the lives of its customers and enable members to benefit financially from the sale of its products.
Natural Health Trends’ stock has been flat over the past year, although there have been some peaks and valleys during the period. With the market’s valuation being below the margin of safety intrinsic value, however, it has not been higher than this price since mid-2019.
SEC filing link:
Preformed Line Products, along with its subsidiaries, is an international designer and manufacturer of products and systems employed in the construction and maintenance of overhead, ground-mounted and underground networks for the energy, telecommunication, cable operators, information and other similar industries. The company’s primary products support, protect, connect, terminate and secure cables and wires. While it also provides solar hardware systems and mounting hardware for a variety of solar power applications.
Preformed Line Products stock is down over the past year, but still higher than its intrinsic value. To value the business at their current market price the company would need more than 11% per year growth for the next 10-years.
SEC filing link: